
Showing posts from April, 2012

"Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time..."

How else can one live?  Is it possible to live two days at the same time?  Of course not!   But I sometimes try to do just that by focusing my attention on the past with its mistakes and failures.  Or I try to control through worry what will happen at some point in the future.  How crazy is that!  God continues to teach me this lesson of "one day at a time" as He did when I first started recovery, when I finally surrendered my life to the Lord.  The temptations to sin that I face each day of my life are a constant reminder of my need for the Lord's strength in every moment.  I have often prayed that God would remove these fleshly temptations from me, but I think they remain because they are a great tutor to keep me close to the Lord, and they keep me from becoming prideful about any changes God has made in my life.  I have to surrender my life to God not just in the morning when I have my quiet time, but also throughout the day; sometimes man...

"...the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

 "...for the  weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but  divinely powerful  for the destruction of fortresses.   We are  destroying speculations and every  lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and  we are  taking every thought captive to the  obedience of Christ..." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5, NASB) Of the three things that are possible for me to change (my attitude, my my acceptance, and my actions) I believe what is most needed in my life is a change of attitude or mind.  I need to pay closer attention to those things that quietly steal little pieces of my serenity without me hardly noticing.  It can be something as simple as a passing thought that I allow to take residence in my mind before taking it "...captive to the obedience of Christ."  Just yesterday a friend reminded me during a conversation about recovery that I cannot prevent a bird from flying over my head, but I certainly can stop it from n...

" accept the things I cannot change..."

All of my life I have been told that if something is not right or if I do not like my circumstances or my situation, change them.  I have come to realize that changing those things and changing people is not as simple as it sounds nor is it even desirable that I try.  I cannot change my wife or her behavior, though I try sometimes or get very frustrated when she does not think or act in a way I think she should.  I try to change the students I teach, to get them to place their education on a higher level of importance and priority.  I also get frustrated when they seemingly reject my efforts to instill within them personal values such as personal responsibility, respect for others, being on time, etc. With my wife especially, but also with those with whom I serve in ministry and with friends, I sometimes do not take what they say (or what they do not say) at face value, often choosing rather to project in my own mind underlying meanings and motivations to what is s...

God, grant me the serenity...

In our leadership meeting for Celebrate Recovery yesterday, our training coach challenged us to take a fresh look at the Serenity Prayer and gain a better appreciation for what we are requesting from God when we pray it.  I thought I would post my personal perspective to the different parts of the prayer as a way to refresh my memory on what the prayer means to me. The first part says "God, grant me the serenity..."  To me, serenity is an inward confidence that God is in complete control of my life.  Everything that happens to me is either engineered by God is allowed by Him to bring Him glory and to bring about good in my life.  Serenity means I can have joy in the midst of any situation, good or bad, by resting in the Presence of Almighty God.  Life is full of troubles, trials, heartaches, sadness, temptations, distresses, problems..., but my serenity tells me that those things are simply tools used by God to bring about peace in my life.  Surrendering ...