
Showing posts from 2014

Cruise Control

I have gone on sort of a cruise control in my life for the last two years.  In November of 2011 I began serving as ministry leader for the Celebrate Recovery ministry at my church.  Since that time I have been blessed to grow tremendously in my own recovery and to see the miraculous changes God has made in the lives of many men and women who "keep coming back" each week.  As a leader I have had to do some things that are well outside of my comfort zone, things that have challenged me in the area of codependency, control, and relating with people in general.  All in all it has been an extraordinary journey.  However, I feel as if I have settled into a groove and gotten comfortable with where I am in my spiritual journey.  I do understand that a lot of ministry work is simply mundane, day-to-day activities that have to be accomplished, and I do those things with the joy of the Lord.  However, I cannot help but think about Jesus' own words about those who...