I Believe...
I Believe…
What I believe already may be apparent from what you have read thus far. I believe in the same God who spoke into existence all that is, who moved across the face of the deep at Creation, who created the first man and the first woman, who parted the Red Sea for Moses and the children of Israel. My God is sovereign, holy, righteous, all-knowing, all-powerful, and present everywhere at the same time all of the time. He is bigger than even can be imagined. There are aspects of God I will never fully understand in this lifetime nor even in the life to come. God created me for His enjoyment and for me to fellowship with Him and to worship Him.
Jesus Christ is God! He is the Son of God who laid aside his privilege as God to come to earth as a man so that He could identify with each and every one of us (and that includes me). He chose to endure ridicule, taunting, torture, and ultimately death in order that he might satisfy the righteous judgment of a holy God on behalf of those who believe in Him and trust Him to save them (and that includes me). I am a child of that Living God. God loves me and accepts me only in Christ Jesus His Son. God speaks to me in my conscience, through His written Word, through other people, and in my heart and spirit by His Holy Spirit abiding in me and leading me into all Truth. The Holy Bible is God’s Word of Truth given to me for edification and encouragement, correction, judgment and instruction for living a life of holiness and truth. My God is Love!
God's Holy Word often requires something of me that I do not fully understand and that may be quite difficult. Just because I do not understand it fully or it is difficult to accept, doesn't mean somehow that it is wrong, that God is in error. I say with Paul that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. It is true that there is nothing good in me; that is, in my flesh. Nothing! So I rely completely on Christ to accomplish in me what he requires of me. I believe that is what it means to be a Christian, to truly follow Christ.
I fully acknowledge my need for Him. I choose to allow Him lordship over my life. He indeed is my life. I am a Christian. This is what I believe.
What I believe already may be apparent from what you have read thus far. I believe in the same God who spoke into existence all that is, who moved across the face of the deep at Creation, who created the first man and the first woman, who parted the Red Sea for Moses and the children of Israel. My God is sovereign, holy, righteous, all-knowing, all-powerful, and present everywhere at the same time all of the time. He is bigger than even can be imagined. There are aspects of God I will never fully understand in this lifetime nor even in the life to come. God created me for His enjoyment and for me to fellowship with Him and to worship Him.
Jesus Christ is God! He is the Son of God who laid aside his privilege as God to come to earth as a man so that He could identify with each and every one of us (and that includes me). He chose to endure ridicule, taunting, torture, and ultimately death in order that he might satisfy the righteous judgment of a holy God on behalf of those who believe in Him and trust Him to save them (and that includes me). I am a child of that Living God. God loves me and accepts me only in Christ Jesus His Son. God speaks to me in my conscience, through His written Word, through other people, and in my heart and spirit by His Holy Spirit abiding in me and leading me into all Truth. The Holy Bible is God’s Word of Truth given to me for edification and encouragement, correction, judgment and instruction for living a life of holiness and truth. My God is Love!
God's Holy Word often requires something of me that I do not fully understand and that may be quite difficult. Just because I do not understand it fully or it is difficult to accept, doesn't mean somehow that it is wrong, that God is in error. I say with Paul that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. It is true that there is nothing good in me; that is, in my flesh. Nothing! So I rely completely on Christ to accomplish in me what he requires of me. I believe that is what it means to be a Christian, to truly follow Christ.
I fully acknowledge my need for Him. I choose to allow Him lordship over my life. He indeed is my life. I am a Christian. This is what I believe.
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