Merry Christmas!

This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (John 17:3, NASB)

My purpose in life is to know God and to make Him known; to love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love others as I love myself.  I often get caught up in the "other things" of life, a plethora of daily activities most of which are necessary to live out this life here on earth.  But all that is really required is my relationship with Jesus.  I am not saying that those other things are bad in and of themselves, indeed they are necessary, but when they become the focus at the expense of the greater thing (my personal relationship with Jesus), then they become evil, or at the very least, meaningless endeavors.

With each new day I become more acutely aware of my need for Jesus.  Spending time with Him in Bible reading, prayer, and self-examination is not a luxury I allow myself or a simple ritual, rather it is basic.  It is where I gain the strength to follow His will.  It is where I experience God's transforming power in my life; the power to forgive, to love, to show mercy, to walk in the Spirit so I do not carry out the desire of the flesh.  My sponsor reminded me a few days ago that all I have to offer God is brokenness; that is the only acceptable sacrifice I can offer God. I can't offer Him my flesh hoping that somehow it will change into something good.  God has made it clear that there is nothing good in me, in my flesh.  I can and should offer God my body as alive from the dead but under the control and direction of the Holy Spirit.  The Bible says I should offer the members of my body to Him as instruments of righteousness to be used by God for His purposes.  I am still learning and re-learning that my life is not my own, that I was bought with a price.  My flesh relentlessly seeks to satisfy itself with no regard for God or others.  Actively, consciously, and continually turning control of my life over to God is the answer.  This is difficult! No, it is impossible except by the grace of Almighty God.  It is a gift from His hands just as much as salvation through Jesus Christ is a free gift of His grace.

My prayer is for more of God's grace to be able to do what is required of me in every area of this life with which God has blessed me.  May everything that I think, say, and do bring Him glory.  During this Christmas season I continue to accept God's most precious gift to me, His Son, Jesus the Christ.  He is the greatest gift I have ever received and my heart says "Thank You!"


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